
Vivarium Opening!

"Vivarium”, Latin for place of life, is any space created to display life, most commonly aquariums or terrariums. Our (mixed media) installations will act as an environment to give context to our jewelry and the jewelry will be life on display.

Here are the few photos that I have from Dixie's and my opening at Ghost Gallery last Thursday (thanks to Roger Schreiber). This was my first installation and I learned so much. But the biggest realization that I made is how much I prefer working in a small scale. And while there may not be larger installations in my future I still want to explore giving context to my jewelry, just a miniature environment.
Thank you so much to everyone who made it out! If you missed out it will be on view through January 6th, so you still have time to check it out.


  1. It looks amazing! I can't wait to see it.

  2. I love the display and red paint you used to work around your jewelry, draws you in, even on the computer!

  3. what a beautiful installation! very energetic ...and magnetic... I would like to see something similar here in Italy where there are few shows about the jewel!
